Ez galdu bilerak ingelesez antolatzeko oinarrizko gida
Ez galdu bilerak ingelesez antolatzeko oinarrizko gida
“Can we meet on Friday?” Laneko bilera bat hitzartzeko esaldi hori egokia dela uste baduzu, irakurri “meeting-ak” ingelesez antolatzeko oinarrizko gida.
“Would” “Can” baino hobeto bilera bat eskatzeko
Ingelesez egokiagoa da baldintza erabiltzea hitzordu bat, topaketa bat edo bilera bat eskatzerakoan. Ondorioz, “would” aukera onena da:
-I would like to make an arrangement to discuss
-Would it be possible to meet at my offices to…?
-Would Wednesday suit you?
Ildo berean, “can” erabil daiteke baldintza gisa: “could”:
-Could we meet on Friday?
“Fine” “ok” baino hobe bilera bat onartzeko
E-mailetan, whatsApp-eko mezuetan, eta abarretan, “ok” jarrita erantzuten ohitu gara. Baina bilera formaletara joango zarela berresteko ez da egokia. Erantzun egokia ondorengoa litzateke:
-Yes, Tuesday is fine.
Halaber, baldintzaren araua jarrai dezakegu:
-That would be perfect.
“Afraid” edo “unfortunately” “can´t” baino hobe ezin zarela joan adierazteko
Bilera batera joan ezin baduzu, ingelesez formula ugari daude barkamena eskatzeko, "ezin dut" (I can´t) soil baten ordez.
-Unfortunately we won´t be able to meet on Thusday.
-I´m afraid we have to cancel our appointment.
-We are sorry but…
Eta berriro ere bilera bat eskatzeko, “would” aukera onena da beti
-Would it be possible to arrange another time later in week?
-I would much prefer Tuesday if that´s alright with you.
Bileretan ere, “would” erabiltzea da esku hartzeko modurik egokiena -Would you mind starting? -Sorry to interrupt but I woud like to say something -Would you mind clarifying this point?-Now I’d like to invite you to ask some questions -Sorry, could you repeat that please?
Beraz, bideo-hitzaldi bat ingelesez duzun hurrengo aldian, kontuan hartu aholku hauek. That would be perfect!
Zein da zure erreakzioa?